Sunday, 3 February 2013


University, eh. Well, I had planned on applying last year (for 2012 entry). I know, shocker! Yes, I had always wanted to take a Gap Year. The big change to this came when I went to college, specifically, Sixth Form College. Although I don’t think they meant to do it, the focus there was always on university. I was academic, I got good grades, so naturally, I would be going to uni too. I just got swept along with the crowd, I wrote a personal statement, I went to Open Days. I remember the day I told my mum that I wasn’t taking a Gap Year any more, I was going straight to university instead.. It felt like I was coming out! Y’know, “Mum, I know I always said I was taking a Gap Year, but the thing is…” etc.

So, what changed from that to bring me to the wonderful adventure I am now on? Well, the short answer is that I got a D in my History AS. Nobody, literally nobody, could believe this – if it had been in French, maybe I wouldn’t have been so surprised, but the fact that it was History… It had always been what I was best at – seriously, I went the whole year getting straight A’s on all the essays I did, and then a D?! I could re-sit, I could fix it, but any uni’s I applied to would see my D and laugh at my application to study History. I was heartbroken – I cried for a whole day when I realised that I couldn’t go to university straight away.

BUT – (and here’s where the long story comes in) I am now so grateful for that D! Honestly, I can’t thank God enough for it. If I had got an A, as expected, right now I would be at university, maybe enjoying it, but probably regretting completely not taking my year out, and hating myself for just being swept along with the crowd. Instead, as I write this, I am in Western Australia! It took a D to steer me off the path I thought I wanted, and back onto the path that was really for me. Christians always tell you that God uses even the bad for His perfect plan, and it’s one of those things you smile and nod along with. I can tell you that it’s true, entirely true. The things that to you just look like horrible storms, or doors slamming in your face… one day you will look back and see the bigger purpose.

I re-sat, and jumped from just over 50% to 100% in one exam, leaving me with my A. So, just before Christmas, I applied to university! I still wasn’t sure if it was what I wanted, or where I was supposed to be, but I applied to keep the doors open. I got accepted at Liverpool, Nottingham, Cardiff and Sheffield. These offers are unconditional, something I wouldn’t have had if I had applied whilst still at college (yet another bonus!) meaning that there is no pressure on me to achieve any grades or do anything – I get to just sit back and decide where I want to go! It’s looking like Sheffield at the moment, I just feel drawn there, so prayers would be much appreciated as to making the right decision. All in all, God pulled me through this situation without me even realising! 

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