Sunday, 3 February 2013

Leaving Fusion

As most people know, I am (or should I say, was) a youth leader at Fusion, my Church youth group. I’ve been going to Fusion on and off since the age or around thirteen, and was asked to stay on as a youth leader after I became too old to count as ‘youth’!

I have absolutely loved my time with Fusion. The group is made up of 12-17 year olds, and a team of fantastic youth leaders. There are social nights with games, bouncy castles, laser tag, football and pool, craft sessions, worship led by the youth, Bible studies, and also small group times. Each small group is made up of around 5 youth, and then 1 or 2 leaders. They’re completely relaxed and informal, and designed to chat over the part of the Bible read that evening, or a topic talked about, or just their day-to-day lives. I loved being with these girls and listening to their questions and answers about big issues, and what was going on in their lives. We never gave them an answer (half the time because we might not know ourselves!) but let them consider things for themselves. Why would God let people suffer? By giving an ‘answer’, you’re not helping them with their faith at all. The idea was to suggest things, guide them, and work with them to puzzle things out. Things are much more meaningful if you believe something in your heart, rather than just repeating what you’ve been told.

I realise I’ve gone on about Fusion for a while here, and I apologise! I suppose it helps you see what being a part of it meant to me, though. I left Fusion at a tricky time – the group had just moved onto a Friday night, we had a lot of people leaving as well as joining, and some other leaders were dropping out because of the change of night. Also, some exciting things were happening! I was being asked to lead more sessions and also do the Bible study more often. So I hope you can see how hard it was for me to say goodbye!
My leaving card and present

I got a card signed from all the youth as well as 30 Australian dollars as a leaving present. I didn’t cry (surprises all round!) but it has been hard! I miss being a part of the group, and I’ve accepted that this is sort of ‘it’ for me now – when I get back from Australia I’m off round Europe, and then I’m going to university.. So, farewell to the wonderful Fusion! (I’m tearing up now!)

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