Sunday, 3 February 2013

Leaving Homesense

I feel almost as sad writing this post as I did writing the one about leaving Fusion. Despite being at Homesense for only four months, I made some really great friends, and completely loved the job. TJX were a pretty great company to work for (it must sound like I’m being paid to say this!) For example, in the run-up to Christmas, the management were told to spent £20 from the store’s money on food for everyone to eat in the staff room. We took a random 10 minutes each and stuffed our faces with sausage rolls, doughnuts, and fizzy drinks. And we were being paid to do this. Yeah. On our stock take night, when we were expected to work until around midnight, they ordered £240-worth of pizza for everyone to dig in to. Who else can say they work somewhere like that? Everyone working there was incredible, really brilliant people, and I actually liked the job, too! Telling them I was leaving was something I was dreading, but it turned out to be totally fine! Everyone was really excited for me, and my manager told me to come back in when I returned to see if she had any summer hours she could give me!

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