Sunday 3 February 2013

Au revoir to Chubbs

This post is dedicated mainly to one wonderful person, so I’ll try to keep it short!

When I decided on taking a year out, and knew I’d be in Worcester until January, I was worried about not having many friends. At this point, I didn’t know if Joe would be off at uni or not, and the idea of everyone I was close to off at university while I was ‘stuck’ in Worcester was difficult. Then, out popped Emma Wilcox! We’ve been learning French together for two years now, and are both Christians. It was in the second year of college that we became much closer, and I can’t tell you how good it was to know that she would be in the same position as me! Working in Worcester through until January, when she would be leaving to go abroad. We joked about how we’d be meeting up all the time – and this turned out to be true. There was one fortnight where we met up about 5 times! We grew to be pretty close, and it was exciting sharing our plans with each other – we were both going off to do amazing things! Currently, Emma is in Switzerland with YWAM, looking for a husband. I JOKE! She’s on a Discipleship Training School, and after three months there she’s headed to Africa to work amongst communities there! I know, I’m very proud of her! You can find Emma’s blog at

Harry Salisbury is my other friend off around the world. He’s in Rwanda with Tearfund, helping the community and planting pineapple trees! Keep praying for him and Emma please!

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